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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Do Brian Roberts and Johnny Damon Have in Common?

     Answer: Not a hell of a lot. Well, that's not entirely true. They do have three things in common. 1) They're both overpaid. 2) They're both overrated. 3) They both have extremely hot wives. Damon and Roberts are the inspiration for today's debate of the day; or at least their wives are.

Diana Roberts


Michelle Damon

    For me, this is a tough one. It all boils down to personal preference. Michelle is very sexy in a more mature and sophisticated kind of way, and Diana seems like a complete bombshell. I have a thing for brunettes, and I love a tanned woman, so I would probably have to go with Diana on this one. There is one more thing I could say though. After Damon batted .271 with 8 homeruns and 51 RBI for the Tigers last season, I think it's safe to say that Detroit is going to be missing Michelle a lot more than they will miss Johnny.

Posted by: The Say Hey Kid